Have you ever thought that it takes nothing to join a crowd.  It takes everything to stand alone.

(Hans F. Hansen)

The complete quote has two parts – it takes nothing to join the crowd, this is simply because you will face no resistance if you want to be like everyone else.  The second part states – it takes everything to stand alone – this is because you will find resistance from all corners.  The reason is simple – no one wants a challenge or to see people who are different.  It makes them ask uncomfortable questions about themselves.  This is hard work and the first natural response is to resist something which is different.  It doesn’t mean your wrong, but it only means that it takes everything to stand alone.

The question I’ll ask is: Are being true to yourself?  If you listen deeply to your emotions, they always tell you the truth about what you feel and how you want life to be.  You owe your life that much!

There is no greater challenge in life than finding your true identity and sticking by it no matter what comes your way.  There will always be distractions no matter where you go, there will always be opinions that will go against what feels right in your heart, but that should never stop you from owning who you are.

Life is a short journey, it is important to find what really matters to you early on.  If you do things for the wrong reasons, one day, it will catch up with you.  If you don’t stand for something…..you will fall for anything.

Take Care

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