“Have you ever thought you wouldn’t be able to do something”?

Have you ever thought you wouldn’t be able to do something? Maybe, but give yourself a chance.  The odds are on your side – remember that!  Everything can be learned.  It may take time, but it can be learned.  When you say you don’t know how to do something, you mean your’re not patient or determined enough to learn how. It’s obvious that you can’t do everything, but who can?  You have to realize that if you do nothing, nothing will get done.  Take some time today to do something you haven’t done yet.  Remember you might not be able to end world hunger, but you can help feed one person and that one person may be you.  Work hard in silence and let your success be the noise.

“I hope to create a space for other stories and other voices.  For every door that has been opened to me, I hope to open a door to others.  Let’s invite one another in”.

Take care.

Posted in: Have you ever

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