“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank-you, it will be enough.”

– Meister Eckhurt

“Have you ever believed in good old-fashioned manners”.  I was raised on them.  Always say “please” and “thank-you”.  Hold the door for another person and no phones at the dinner table.  Always introduce yourself, and if you have friends with you, introduce them too.

Manners never go out of style, and a thank-you never gets old.  “Thank-you” is very powerful.  I’ve noticed in my own life, that when someone thanks me for something, it touches me.  It makes me smile, it makes me happy.  Expressing gratitude, means that you noticed who they are and what they did.  It says, “I want you to know that you matter to me”.  It’s a sign of manners, but it’s also a sign of care.

Thank your teachers for being there for you, yesterday, today, and every day.

We thank our students for the smiles they bring into our classrooms, and we thank their families for the opportunity they have given us to meet them.

“I hope to create a space for other stories and other voices.  For every door that has been opened to me, I hope to open a door to others.  Let’s invite one another in”.

Take care.

Posted in: Have you ever

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