“Have you ever thought about being resilient?” 

Resilience is a word, I, personally love.  Resilience has made many of us what we are today.  When we face adversity, misfortune, or frustration, resilience helps us bounce back.  It helps us survive and recover.  When we get knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever, that’s resilience.

Rather than letting failure overcome us and drain our resolve, we find a way to rise from the ashes.  It requires willpower, self-discipline, and perserverance to develop and maintain mental endurance.  Obvously, we must be realistic and think rationally, but we must also look on the bright side, finding the positives and move forward.

The most resilient people aren’t the ones that don’t fail, it’s quite the opposite – it’s the ones that fail, and learn from it to improve.

“I hope to create a space for other stories and other voices.  For every door that has been opened to me, I hope to open a door for others.  Let’s invite one another in.”

Take care and remember, you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

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